Pine Siskin (Code 3) 31 Jan 2015
Area: Uncommon to rare fall migrant and winter visitor.
Yard: Uncommon to rare fall migrant and winter visitor, more often some years when larger numbers come south. Up to 75 birds seen at feeders in fall of 2012, but only one bird observed in all of 2013.
Observations: First bird detected was a flyover on 31 Jan (audio below). Not seen until 25 Feb when 8 birds spent a few minutes in the oak trees in my eastern side yard and I got a couple of distant photos. Then 8 birds visited the feeders and called from the trees for several minutes about 10am on 26 Feb.
Audio: Flyover bird calling, “klee-you” calls recorded on OldBird21c mic, 9:28am 31 Jan 2015.
Longer sequence of calling birds in trees, 26 Feb 2015 10am.