It’s cold birding in January. Sundays I switch out the cold weather clothing for a suit and tie and take a break from the backyard big year.
I’m hitting my backyard big year pretty hard, outside in the cold at least 2 hours each day, and spending many more hours watching from inside, listening live to my OldBird 21c microphone, or reviewing audio recordings from the day or overnight recording sessions. By the end of the week, my birding muscles are shot!
Sunday is my day of rest. Since I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sunday is our Sabbath. It is a day devoted mostly to family and church, and a rest from our normal daily labors. For me it’s a great day to take a break from the backyard big year and recharge my birding batteries. Since I’m currently 1.5 years into a usually 5 year gig as a Mormon bishop, my Sundays are pretty busy filled with leadership meetings, conducting services, counseling with church members, and often more meetings in the evening. I’m usually out of the house by 7:15am and sometimes don’t get back until after dark.
This Sunday was no exception. About half an hour before our main service (“sacrament meeting”) we determined that at the freezing rain was making travel too dangerous and we canceled services for the day. Fortunately we were able to reach 200+ members by phone to let them know so they could stay home safe rather than risk driving in an ice storm. Even though services were cancelled, I still ended up at the church until 2:30 with other meetings, then I had to drive to Morristown, NJ for leadership meetings. I was home about 6:30pm after a very long day.
And no birds.
OK, I saw a couple species when I walked out to my car in the morning, but that was pretty much it. And that’s OK.
Because now my bird muscles have relaxed and I’m ready to hit it hard again. The birding sabbath is over for the week, and I’m ready to roll. Bring it!